Selecting and cursor

Selecting a Region

In order to do anything with BlingEdit you must select a region. When holding the BlingEdit Sword, a cursor will show up. By default the cursor appears floating 5m in front of you. Left click to select one corner of the region. Move the cursor and left click again to select the opposite corner of the rectangular region.

Modifying the Selected Region

When you select a region, there are a couple ways to modify the region until you get what you want.


When you select a region, 6 buttons will appear in chat that will move the entire region by 1 block in any direction. Left/Right/Forward/Backward will change depending on the direction you’re facing.

Selecting a Region Anchor

By left clicking on any of the red cubes that form the region’s bounding box, you can move one or more faces of the region. Clicking on a corner will move three faces at once, clicking on an edge will move two faces at once, and clicking in the middle of a side will move just that side. To click on an anchor, you actually attack it with the sword, so if it’s occluded by blocks it won’t work. Once you’ve moved the anchor to the desired position, left click again to release it.

Resetting the Region

To select a new region from scratch, simply deselect and reselect your BlingEdit Sword.

Changing the Cursor

With the BlingEdit Sword selected, press the “drop item” key. This will toggle your cursor between Floating Cursor and Raycast Cursor. As well as display some configuration options.

Floating Cursor

The floating cursor always appears a fixed number of blocks directly in front of you. This can be used to select a location that’s floating in midair.

Raycast Cursor

The raycast cursor will follow the direction that you’re pointing until it reaches a solid block. Depending on how it’s configured, it’ll either end inside the block you’re pointing at, or just before that block. This mode makes it easier to tell exactly where the cursor is, and select locations more quickly, but it can’t be used to select mid-air locations.